Gencork Panels
by Sofalca

Sustainable corkpanels
100% natural process
Agent for Belux
Visit Gencork website

GENCORK, from Portugal, is a brand of cork solutions that explores the symbiosis between an ecological low-tech material and high-tech manufacturing processes.

It is only used cork of the branches (falca) for the manufacture of cork granules. These are block clusters in an autoclave, a process that’s 100% natural, without the use of additives. This technology, developed by Sofalca, consists of injecting water vapor through pellets that will expand and agglomerate with the resin of the cork itself. This “cooking” also gives the resulting cork a dark color, like chocolate.

With the cork they produce cork panels with amazing 2D and 3D drawings, cork furniture and much more.


Blackcork furniture by Sofalca